Barnabas Class Receipe Exchange

Broccoli & Cauliflower Salad
AccuChef v6.6 from SIVART Software
C:\Users\Greg\Documents\Barnabas\Recipes\Barnabas Class Cookbook.RWZ - AccuChef v6.6 © 1996-2004 SIVART

From the Kitchen of: Sara Petrey

2 Large Heads Broccoli 1/2 Cup Bacon, Very Crisp, Crumbled
1 Medium Head Cauliflower 1 Cup Miracle Whip
1/2 Cup Onion, Finely Chopped 1 Tablespoon Sugar
1 Cup Cheddar Cheese, Cut Into 1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
-1/4" Cubes

Cup broccoli and cauliflower into bit sized pieces. Add onion,cheese and bacon.

Combine miracle whip, sugar and vinegar in small bowl; whisk until well blended and smooth.

Add dressing to broccoli/cauliflower mixture and toss until coated. Adjust amount of dressing depending on size of broccoli and cauliflower heads. Dressing should be visible but not running off.

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