Barnabas Class Receipe Exchange

Tortilla Wrap-Ups
AccuChef v6.6 from SIVART Software
C:\Users\Greg\Documents\Barnabas\Recipes\Barnabas Class Cookbook.RWZ - AccuChef v6.6 © 1996-2004 SIVART

From the Kitchen of: Peggy Kibbie

8 Ounce Cream Cheese 1 Small Pimentos, Minced
1 Pint Sour Cream 3 Green Onions, Finely Chopped
2 Tablespoon Onion Flakes -W/tops
1 1/2 Cup Sharp Cheddar Cheese, 10 Flour Tortillas, Large Spinach
-Grated -Works Well
1 Small Ripe Olives, Finely Nuts, Finely Chopped -- Optional

Soften cream cheese
Add sour cream and beat
Add remaining ingredients and mix

Spread over a tortilla
Roll up, pressing rather firmly as you roll (be sure last rolled edge is "glued" with the mixture)
Slice off rounded ends that are not neat and give to your spouse

Wrap in foil and refrigerate for several hours - Can be frozen - Thaw and slice at party time.

Use sharp knife and try to not squash the circles.

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